Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chopsticks | Book Review

Chopsticks by Jessica Anthony

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow, this book is such a great idea. I love love love it. A story told through pictures and art and still shots and who knows what else... it blew my mind. It's hard to rate this like other books because it's not told in a conventional way. It is entirely new and fresh and innovative.

Writing technique: ★★★★1/2 Jessica Anthony (writer) and Rodrigo Corral (artist) make a stunning pair. Their style wowed me. The images selected to move the story along were beautiful, heart-wrenching, simple, and so much more. And the captions chosen were deliberate, brief, but telling. I greatly enjoyed this style of story-telling. A great break from the norm.

Character development: ★★ While it was easy to see how the story developed in this medium, it was a bit harder to see the characters grow and change. I didn't quite understand what Glory's breakdown was about. The book blurb suggests that it has to do with her mother. I could see that a little bit. But it was hard to know what exactly what was going on in Glory's head, especially toward the end. I could see more with Frank. The best display of their emotions was in their art. Both of them created things that revealed how they felt about somethings but not necessarily why they felt that way.

Plot/Story development: ★★★1/2 While the story isn't overly complicated, it was well communicated.

Message/Theme: ★ I didn't get much about what this story was trying to say. It was a cute love story. And a very fresh way to tell it. But it didn't inspire me to think about something and learn something new.

Overall: ★★★1/2 The medium of storytelling was groundbreaking and intriguing, although it lacked depth and purpose. I highly recommend it. I read it basically in one sitting. And it'll be an interesting change from the normal stories you read, I assure you.

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